Bibliu eBooks – “Allow Analytics Cookies” consent form

Why are Bibliu asking you to consent?

Bibliu have introduced cookies to help produce anonymised usage data so libraries and publishers can see how eBooks are being used and how often.

The next time you access a Bibliu eBook you will need to give consent for the analytics cookies in order to continue using Bibliu’s eBooks.

Should I accept this?

IMPORTANT: you must give consent to be able to continue using Bibliu eBooks

The Analytics cookies will allow anonymised usage to be gathered so we can see how and how much our subscribed Bibliu eBooks are being used.

Usage information is important in helping us decide what eBooks to subscribe to and some of our subscription costs are based on usage.

What if I decline?

If you choose not to accept the Analytics cookies, you will no longer be able to access Bibliu eBooks.

What will I see?

When you next access a Bibliu eBook, you will see this consent form

  • Slide the “Analytics cookies” button across to activate
  • Then Click on the “Confirm Consent” button

Please contact if you have any queries.

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